Marble cake with coffee cream

Marble cake with coffee cream

with Thick & Easy™ Clear


Thick & Easy™ Clear
125 ml Soaking solution (e.g. Fruit juice)
1.5 cm thick slice of Marble cake (or another type of cake)
The cake should not contain any nuts, raisins or similar
Neither should it be coated with chocolate or plain icing
100 ml Milk
1 tbsp. Instant coffee


  1. With 125 ml liquid, e.g. fruit juice or water, and 1 measuring spoon of Thick & Easy Clear make a solution into which you immediately dip both sides of a 1.5 cm thick slice of marble cake for a couple of seconds.
  2. Place the slice of cake on a plate. Cover plate and put into fridge for at least 2 hours.
  3. Mix 100 ml of milk with 1 tablesppon of instant coffee, adding sugar to taste.
  4. Use Thick & Easy Clear to make a frothy consistency.
    Click here for instructions on how to use Thick & Easy™ Clear.
  5. Using an ice cream scoop or piping bag, decoratively arrange coffee cream and cake on a plate.

General information

Level 2 of 4
Portions 1
Time 2 h 25 min (soaked cake has to sit in fridge for 2 hours)

Nutritional Information per serving

Depending on the cake used for the recipe

Fresubin product