Orange  Hazelnut Smoothie

Orange Hazelnut Smoothie

with Fresubin PRO Drink Hazelnut


200 ml 1 bottle of Fresubin PRO Drink Hazelnut
1 Orange
1 slice Ginger
1 stalk Fresh mint
1-2 Ice cubes
1-2 tsp Honey or sugar to taste


1.    Peel the orange and also remove the pith. Chop the orange up. Peel and dice the ginger. Wash the mint. Shake it dry and pluck off the leaves. Leave the tip of the mint stem intact for decoration.

2.    Finely puree the orange pieces, Fresubin PRO Drink Hazelnut, ginger, mint leaves and ice cubes in a blender. Sweeten to taste with honey or sugar.

3.    Pour the smoothie into a tall glass. Decorate with the mint and serve it with a straw if you like.

General information

Portions 1
Time 15 min

Nutritional information per serving

Total Energy 553.0 kcal (2,320 kJ)
Protein 30.0 g
Fat 19.0 g
Carbohydrate 61.0 g
Fibre 0.0 g

Fresubin product