
Meet Leni

A 3-year-old with the biggest smile

Improving Leni’s quality of life with Enteral Nutrition

Leni is an exceptional child who loves to smile and spend quality time with her family. The complications caused by her lissencephaly disease impaired her ability to swallow. Getting Leni to eat and gain weight was the source of many tears for the whole family, and getting Enteral Nutrition support was a “Eureka” moment that changed their life.

Starting tube feeds gave Leni the chance to catch up with growth and free time to enjoy life, magnifying her beautiful smile.

Living with a tube

Soon after starting tube feeds Leni went up two clothing sizes. She was also able to follow up on her treatment easily by getting her medications through the gastro-tube. Leni’s parents share their valuable insights on how tube feeds affected their lives.

Leni’s inspiring tube feeding story

What did tube feeds change for Leni?

"On day one, it was one of the first times in months that she slept through the night. Our first thought was: Why didn’t we do this much sooner?"

"The formula supports her with all the necessary nutrients, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, to help her catch up with growth, and tube feeds give us the free time to enjoy as a family."

What would you say to others who may need tube feeds?

"If you’re thinking about taking this step, then do it."

"We can go shopping with her, we can go visit her grandparents, we could go to the pool if we wanted. The feeding tube makes all that possible. It’s given us back such a high quality of life."


Leni’s Daily Nutrition Routine

• Leni is tube-fed 4 times a day

• Homemade preparation during the day 

• Frebini® Tube Feed during night

Leni has a superpower!

“Because of feeding tubes, Leni can eat in her sleep, I think this is one of her superpowers. She can eat and sleep at the same time, which is quite enviable, really” says her dad.


As a parent you may have many questions. Find out what Leni’s parents say on FAQs that occur often in the context of tube feeding in children.

Do you have any restrictions in everyday life due to tube feeding?

Which challenges did you face when starting with tube feeding?

How do people around you react?

What is your daily routine?

Does feeding have to be exclusively via tube?

Which food do you use when?

Find out more about Frebini® Drinks, Frebini® Tube Feeds* and enteral medical devices


Discover Frebini Drinks

Tasty alternatives for additional nutrition support according to needs of children


Discover Frebini Tube Feeds

Nutritional support for children with swallowing problems

Mother and Son change dressing sets at PEG

Discover Enteral Medical Devices

Frebini® products are food for special medical purposes, that have to be used under medical supervision.