Mango cheesecake


125 ml Fresubin 3.2 kcal Drink Mango
1 Tub Cream cheese
50 ml Milk
30 g Sugar
250 g Mango puree
1 tbsp Gelatine
100 ml Hot water
200 g Digestive biscuits
50 g Melted butter


1. Finely crumbled Digestive biscuits and combine with melted butter 

2. Press into bottom of 26 cm loose bottom cake tin

3. Mix Fresubin 3.2 kcal Drink Mango with cream cheese, milk and sugar 

4. Add gelatine to hot water until completely dissolved and then add to the cream cheese mix. Pour this on top of the biscuit crust

5. Refrigerate for 40 minutes. Pour mango puree on top of the chilled cheesecake and refrigerate for at least 6 hours or overnight 

General information

Difficulty 2 of 4
Portion 6
Time 40 minutes + minimum 6 hours chill time

Nutritional information per serving

Energy 395 kcal
Protein 10 g

Fresubin product